BASIC DNI CRITERIA (Racist, homophobe, pro-life, zionist, zoophile etc etc...) Callout/cancel/cringe culture, Proshippers/anti-anti, Anti self-inserts/oc x canon, TERFs/Radfem.
Would you like to commission me? Check out my TOS! ; And I also got a Queue list! Most of my profits go to charity, myself, and friends in need. More info on my Instagram!


nineteen - she/he/they; nov 18th, Italian, taken by and extremely gay about an evil redhead /lh

I have Borderline Personality Disorder and ADHD. I can sometimes be unaware of things I say, I might say something bad without even knowing. If I do, POSITIVELY do not hesitate to educate me or link sources for me to learn from. If this ever occurrs, I’m incredibly sorry and mortified in advance. I absolutely do not tolerate bigotry. It takes a lot to anger me, but please know that I am very protective of my friends and especially my partner, and will not hesitate to stand up for them if they find themselves unable to. Due to my ADHD, Interests change from time to time. Sorry!
Deltarune, Skullgirls, Kirby, Pokémon, Splatoon, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
FAFF!!! | Yve!! | Numy!! | Rusty! | Nyx! | Smav!! | Lawrence!